The WORD Series
A Life-Changing Journey Through Scripture
Get Every Member Reading Through the Bible Together
The WORD curriculum provides a reading plan (F260) that guides you through the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – in one year, while still having the flexibility of reading 5 days per week. This reading plan includes both an adult and kids option that provides age-specific readings.
Additionally, the reading plan uses a simple H.E.A.R. Journal method that allows adults and kids to engage with what they read so they can respond to what God is telling them through the passage.
With every person and family using this as their reading plan, your church will be empowered to get every age on the same page. The shared narrative in your congregation and in their families will be their H.E.A.R. Journal from that week’s readings.
Get Every Adult Discussing The Same Passage
The WORD curriculum helps your church focus on the Scripture and maximize its impact. By providing a guide for four different environments, it allows your people to go deeper with each week’s passage.
The WORD curriculum provides aligned content through four environments. Though it is designed to be used in all four simultaneously, a church can use any combination of the following:
- Reading Plan: The reading plan provides a five-day a week reading plan through the entire Bible.
- Sunday Sermon Templates: Each week has a chosen sermon that corresponds with the reading plan.
- Small Group Curriculum: Included are 52 Small Group discussion guides on the same passage that was used in the sermon for that week.
- Discipleship Group Curriculum: We provide a simple Discipleship Group guide to help your people discuss what they are reading and hearing in a closed group of 3-5 gender-specific believers.

52 Sermon Templates
The WORD series includes 52 sermon outlines that correspond with the F-260 Reading Plan.
The templates include a passage, a proposition, an outline, and your “walking point.”

52 Group Discussion Guides
Each week you will receive a Facilitator and Participant Guide. The content will closely align with that week’s sermon and provide questions that move your people towards discussion and application.

Adult and Kids Reading Plans
Through a five-day a week reading plan, you will read through the narrative of the Bible. With corresponding adult and kid reading plans, families will all be able to discuss the same passages of Scripture together.

Discipleship Group Starter Guide
One of the most impactful environments to discuss the Bible is in a Discipleship Group. You will receive a Discipleship Group Starter Guide that can help people identify 3-5 friends and begin sharing their H.E.A.R. Journals together.

Bible Reading and Application Framework (H.E.A.R.)
You will receive a simple method to help your people read and apply Scripture. This simple method greatly enhances Bible discussion in your groups and in their families.

Social Media Graphics
You will receive social media assets you can share weekly with your church to remind them of your weekly readings.